0113 821 4565

Lip Fillers & Dermal Fillers Guide

Dermal fillers and Lip Fillers are made of Hyaluronic acid, which is grown in a laboratory. This is naturally occurring in our skin and serves a variety of purposes. Youthful skin retains its turgor, resilience and pliability, among others, due to its high content of water. Daily external injury, in addition to the normal process of aging, causes loss of moisture. The key molecule involved in skin moisture is hyaluronic acid that has unique capacity in retaining water.

We are able to use dermal filler treatments to replicated bone, subcutaneous fat, to add more volume creating contours and symmetry to the face, to rejuvenate the ageing face, or to give overall hydration to improve skin texture. There are a variety of dermal fillers and lip fillers available on the market. At Serenity Aesthetics skin clinic in Leeds, we only use industry gold standard products to ensure we deliver you procedures with the evidence behind them. Dermal fillers and lip fillers come in a range of viscosities and are selected specifically for areas and the volume required. This will be discussed by your Serenity Aesthetics Skin Clinic practitioner during consultation.

lip fillers leeds

Teosyal and Juvederm are traditional dermal fillers, dependent on the particle size and where they are placed, last from 6-12 months. The Teosyal RHA range lasts longer due to the elastic nature of the product. This helps to prolong breakdown by moving harmoniously with the skin and gives a more natural appearance. These dermal fillers typically last from 9-22 months.

1mL of dermal filler equates to 1/5th of a teaspoon which can give good improvement to younger patients and older, however if there is a significant ageing or volume required you may require more than 1mL.

Areas which can be treated with dermal fillers include volumising young or ageing lips; smoker’s lines; chin & jawline contouring; cheeks; temples; forehead rejuvenation; nose; under eye hollowing; back of hands; full facial rejuvenation with skin beauty boosters; décolletage rejuvenation.

We believe in the natural look and will never make you look ‘done’. Our aim is to have your friends, family and colleagues admiring your freshness rather than thinking you have had assistance with aesthetic procedures.

Patients often ask if the procedures hurt. We make your experience as comfortable as possible, using numbing creams and techniques to minimise discomfort. If you are anxious and would like a dental block for lip or peri-oral treatments we can accommodate this.

It is very important that you make an informed choice when it comes to dermal filler procedures. This is a medical procedure and your practitioner will thoroughly discuss potential side effects as well as treatment outcomes at your consultation.

For our prices please refer to https://serenityaesthetics.co.uk/pricelist/

Our practitioners are highly advanced and understand that the non-surgical field is continuously evolving and developing. This is why at Serenity Aesthetics skin clinic in Leeds, we continue to invest heavily in continued professional development by attending world-renowned conferences and highly advanced training year in and year out.

We always use the best quality products - products which can only be administered by a trained professional. Here is an article explaining the difference between over the counter and pharmacy-grade products.

Other treatments to consider include skin peels which can really make you skin look brighter and younger.

If you would like any more information or to book a consultation please call 01138214565 or email info@serenityaesthetics.co.uk


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